News and Resources

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

How Educators Are Recommitting to Mental Health First-Aid Training


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ESUSA Shares Updated Child Protection Policy


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat condimentum blandit. Pellentesque eu metus varius, mattis dolor id, mattis neque. Aenean tempor erat eu consequat sagittis. Phasellus eu arcu gravida, ultricies purus ut, consequat enim. Sed suscipit eros consequat felis vehicula finibus. Cras ac lorem sagittis magna laoreet feugiat quis et sem. Aenean aliquet sem nec convallis placerat. Sed ut ultricies dolor. Duis quis odio rutrum, rhoncus enim id, iaculis nisl. Morbi in varius nibh. Donec ut enim massa. Etiam pulvinar felis ullamcorper felis mollis accumsan.

Join World Ensemble Day at SEYO SummerFest on July 22


By now, you’ve likely seen our requests for programs to share something fun and innovative about themselves by sending short videos to be featured during World Ensemble Day, part of Sistema Europe Youth Orchestra’s (SEYO) 2021 SummerFest.

EU Shares Report on Gender Inequality in the Cultural Sector


In June, the European Commission released a report on practices to help close the gender gap in the cultural and creative sector. The report, which includes many concrete policy recommendations, was written by the OMC (Open Method of Coordination) Working Group of Member States’ Experts; it emphasizes the role that culture and the arts play in promoting gender equity.

Connect with Other Arts Organizations Working with Vulnerable Populations


If you work with asylum-seekers, refugees, or other vulnerable populations, you will want to subscribe to art27. Founded on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 27), the organization serves as a platform for “artists, arts educators, and arts organizations” who work with vulnerable populations. Specifically, art27 is a network where like-minded organizations can collaborate and share expertise.

Women in African Music


The organization Sounds of Africa organized a virtual museum celebrating “Women in African Music,” using the photography of British-Nigerian artist Michael Tubes. The exhibition shared photos of African women musicians, taken over the past ten years, in order to “highlight, celebrate and empower the challenges faced by women within the industry.”

New Carnegie Hall Curriculum for Collegiate and Early Professional Musicians


Carnegie Hall has just launched The Connected Musician—a self-paced interactive video series for collegiate and early professional performers.  The initiative is led by Carnegie Hall’s Ensemble Connect and features guidance from alums of the program and leaders in the field.

New Research on Music and the Brain


Music has long helped to bring communities and cultures together. A recent study by neuroscientists from Bar-Ilan University and the University of Chicago collected data to demonstrate just that. Its findings, shared in a paper titled “The Social Neuroscience of Music: Understanding the Social Brain through Human Song,” outline the five areas of the brain that contribute to social connection through music: empathy circuits, oxytocin secretions, reward and motivation, language structures, and dopamine.

GLP Creative Residency Concludes Week in Southern Poland


In a history-making moment, the Global Leaders Program finished its first residency in Europe. Each year, the program organizes a seven-day international residency, where participants gather and exchange ideas with local communities. This year, GLP cohort members visited Bielsko-Biala, Poland.

Canadian Program Produces Short Documentary on Pandemic Music-Making


Enjoy this short documentary from Ottawa-based program OrKidstra about the highs and lows of musical growth and achievement. Produced entirely virtually, You Are Your Own Best Teacher: OrKidstra’s Masterclass Story is a 20-minute video that shares how OrKidstra members kept the music going during distance learning.


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