Sistema Europe Wants to Feature Your Program at SEYO SummerFest

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Sistema Europe Wants to Feature Your Program at SEYO SummerFest


The world is getting together in a couple of weeks—join the Sistema Europe Youth Orchestra SummerFest 2021, July 21–24 and 28–30. Check out the program here and join SEYO’s SummerFest by registering at:

July 22 is World Ensemble Day at SummerFest. We’re featuring programs around the world that are doing innovative, unusual things—and that can include you! Just send us a short video that describes an interesting, cool feature of your program. World Ensemble Day will feature videos of the best ideas from around the world, and in the workshops we will develop new innovative ideas to solve program challenges. (Be sure there is some context or description so people can sharply appreciate what they are seeing!)

What is something cool you do in your teaching or something innovative in your program? Let the world know with a short video. Even if you can’t attend, be there via your video. Videos can be informal; if you like, you can just talk to your smartphone about one key feature or practice that you think others might like to know about (please use landscape/horizontal mode). Keep it shorter than two minutes; please be specific and helpful, but not promotional.

We will post all submissions on The Ensemble News website for everyone to see, and we will share several in the World Ensemble Day workshops. The deadline for video submissions is July 14.


You can upload your video(s) at:

Videos submitted to the provided link will be reviewed and posted on The Longy School publishes The Ensemble News, so explore the site while you are there. It includes an archive of all past articles.


In the spirit of sharing ideas and insight across world, we encourage you to share your video via your own social media account(s) leading up to SEYO on July 19, 2021. Be sure to use the following hashtags: #SEYO21; #EnsembleNews; #WorldEnsembleDay; #SistemaEuropeYouthOrchestra; #SistemaEurope

Facebook: EnsembleNews, SistemaEurope

Twitter: EnsembleNewsSistemaEurope


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