News and Resources

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

“Gratitude Grants” Available to Arts Education Programs in Certain Countries


The MONAT Gratitude Grants Program supports education programs in the areas of the arts, music, entrepreneurship, and athletics in communities around the world where MONAT does business, which include the U.S., Canada, Australia, the U.K., Ireland, Spain, Poland, and Lithuania.

Pollination Project Offering Daily Seed Grants


The Pollination Project supports initiatives that support social change agents who seek to spread compassion in their communities and in the world for the benefit of all.

Short Documentary on Sweden’s Dream Orchestra Premieres


We often share updates from Gothenburg, Sweden’s Dream Orchestra, founded and led by Ron Davis Álvarez. The orchestra has been recognized many times for its work with young people who have fled their home countries. In this eight-minute documentary, To Those Who Believe in Dreams, Director Erik Eger shares the orchestra’s history and growth as an integrating multicultural orchestra community that now represents all of Swedish society.

Exploring the Intersection of Arts Education and Literacy


“Musical literacy”—do you have some thoughts about what that means? Would you like to be in exchange with colleagues from other art forms about artistic literacies?

Apply for Carnegie Hall’s PlayUSA Program


Applications are now open for Carnegie Hall’s PlayUSA program, which supports community partner organizations across the U.S. that offer equitable instrumental music education programs to K–12 students, including those whose opportunities to engage in instrumental music instruction are limited by socioeconomic, geographic, or other factors.

Tips to Boost Intrinsic Motivation in Yourself and Others


Researchers and senior practitioners in our field agree: intrinsic motivation (when the learner is driven by their own yearning to get better and discover more) is the single most important factor in the success of our students. This article in ASCD Magazine identifies six ways, affirmed by research, to boost intrinsic motivation in learners—and in us as teachers, too.

Apply for El Sistema Sweden’s Side by Side Summer Camp


Applications are still open for Side by Side, El Sistema Sweden’s gigantic international orchestra and choir camp for young musicians.

Ten Building Blocks of Arts Education


This new report from The Hewlett Foundation takes the hundred things you know are powerful about arts education and distills them into ten clear points: “Ten Dimensions of Powerful Arts Education Practice.”

Young People Facing Mental Health Crisis


In a recent public advisory, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy warns of an emerging youth mental health crisis. Per Murthy, “Symptoms of depression and anxiety have doubled during the pandemic, with 25% of youth experiencing depressive symptoms and 20% experiencing anxiety symptoms.”

Beethoven’s 10th, Finished at Last


Learn about how a group of musicologists and computer wizards finished Beethoven’s 10th, via The World.


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