News and Resources

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Share Your Stories with Creative Generation


In this current phase of the Arts & Cultural Education is a Fundamental, Civil, and Human Right campaign, Creative Generation invites you to share your story about how your work has delivered on the promise of arts and cultural education as a right for youth. Share stories, photos, videos, artworks, songs, and performances by email to, or on social media using #RightToArtsEd!

A Compositional Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Women’s Suffrage Movement Launched by OrchKids


The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra OrchKids program is launching a compositional celebration of the 100th anniversary of the women’s suffrage movement, called Queens Unseen: Royals Without Crowns. The composition will focus on three main areas: representation, voting, and the future of democracy. The project will also explore the “intricate and contentious element of racism throughout the suffrage movement.” For its mid-December release, the composition will be accompanied by visual images captured by Johns Hopkins University Film students.



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New Report Examines Partnerships between Arts and Cultural Practitioners and Community Developers


ArtPlace America and Welcoming America have released a report exploring how arts and cultural practitioners have long been and may increasingly be partners in helping to achieve community development goals: Bridging Divides, Creating Community: Arts, Culture, and Immigration. ArtPlace America recently completed its ten-year mission as a leading funder of creative placemaking in the U.S., and they are publishing their learning in a series of reports. This report is the eighth in their series of cross-sector field scans, examining arts and culture as “a platform that helps immigration policy expand beyond a singular focus on border security to one that embraces a broader national vision of inclusive economic development, community connection and cohesion, and welcoming communities in which all people can thrive.”

National Guild for Community Arts Education Offers Online Series on Community Arts Learning Beyond the Pandemic


The National Guild for Community Arts Education in the U.S. is offering a three-month series that examines how arts organizations are responding to prevalent social inequities stemming from the pandemic. Titled “Rootwork | Grounding Community Arts Education Beyond the Pandemic,” the gathering will feature guest speakers and programs from across the U.S. Participants will join discussions and workshops on adapting to the necessary programmatic changes needed to best serve marginalized communities during and beyond periods of crisis. This series takes place from December 2, 2020 – February 24, 2021, and registration is open now. You can register for the entire series, or for individual sessions. Read session descriptions and register here.

Join The Walk to Support Refugees


The Walk is a traveling arts festival from Good Chance Theatre. On The Walk, Little Amal, a giant puppet, will travel 8,000 km across Turkey and Europe in support of refugees, being welcomed by hundreds of cultural events along the way.

Contribute to the ABLE Assembly, Focusing on Intersectionality, Disability, and Arts Education—Deadline 12.15.2020


Do you have something to share about working with students with disabilities? If so, consider proposing a session (20-minute pre-recorded video, with guidance provided by the conference leaders) for the ABLE Assembly: Arts Better the Lives of Everyone, Digital Conference, April 10–11, 2021. This year’s theme is Intersectionality, Disability, and Arts Education. Since the music for social change movement prioritizes the value of inclusion, it would be great for us to be leading contributors to this global field. The deadline for proposals is December 15; learn more and consider submitting one here.

The Orchestra of the Americas Launches Virtual 2021 Orchestra Training Program This Spring—Deadline 12.1.2020

The Orchestra of the Americas is hosting its orchestra training program (OAcademy), happening January–June 2021, over the Internet. As described on their website, participants will experience a transformative curriculum that will guide them in becoming global artists in the field. They will connect with industry icons, participate in performance collaborations, and work on cross-disciplinary projects over the course of the six-month academy. This is the last call for candidates; applications for this immersive experience are due December 1. Find more details here.  

Cultural Equity Resource Center Recently Launched by Americans for the Arts


Americans for the Arts has launched a Cultural Equity Resource Center. Like their widely used Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center, this will be updated regularly with information about programming, resources, and news to assist all in achieving our racial/social justice goals. They will keep adding to it—upcoming is a directory of equity consultants and service providers. If you have a resource to add, let them know.

Early-childhood Music Program for Families with Infants


Big Note, Little Note is a new early-childhood music program for families with infants. Designed by Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute in partnership with local community centers and organizations, the new ten-week music class offers a range of experiences for families to engage with their babies through musical play, singing, songwriting, instrument exploration, and more. The program is offered free to families around the world to support family well-being, early child development, and parent-child connection.


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