News and Resources

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Suggested Reading: We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom


If you attended YOLA’s National Symposium in 2019, you won’t forget Dr. Bettina Love’s stirring keynote. Love is the Founder of the Abolitionist Teaching Network; her new book, We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom, delves into the ways in which the American education system actually makes profits on the suffering of children of color.

Securing American Rescue Plan Funds for Your Organization


Americans for the Arts and the Arts Action Fund hosted a 90-minute webinar in late May on how arts organizations can advocate for state and local governments to designate some of the $350 billion in American Rescue Plan (ARP) Block Grants for the arts.

Choosing Strength-Based Messaging


This article from Prosper Strategies examines the importance of how nonprofits describe their work, offering “dos and don’ts” for authentic communication. “Four Myths about Strength-Based Messaging” discusses three common types of messaging in the nonprofit sector: stereotype-based messaging, needs-based messaging, and strength-based messaging. Author Lindsay Mullen argues for organizations to use strength-based messaging in their communication, highlighting common mistakes that inadvertently perpetuate harmful narratives regarding the very communities we seek to uplift.

Youth Mental Health in Crisis


Medical experts in Colorado urge the declaration of a state mental health emergency for its young people: “We are seeing our pediatric emergency departments and our inpatient units overrun with kids attempting suicide and suffering from other forms of major mental health illness.” This Chalkbeat article about the circumstances that led to the declaration demonstrates the gravity of the crisis across all states.

Art-Train Offers Funding Tips and Tech Assistance for Arts Workers


Art-Train is moving down the tracks. Created by Springboard for the Arts and the Center for Performance and Civic Practice, it is a virtual technical assistance program for artists, municipal agencies, community nonprofits, and arts councils in communities of all sizes across the U.S. Most prominently, Art-Train gets you up to speed on all the ways to tap government funding connected to pandemic relief you may have missed.

A Radical Notion: Teaching Artists as Essential Workers


Teaching artists have been quiet, often unsung, heroes of this pandemic. This Arts Education Policy Review piece by three leaders in Seattle argues for the recognition of teaching artists as essential workers. The article, “Re-imagining personal and organizational polices as sources of radical change: perspectives from a teaching artist, organization, and city,” includes an interesting history of teaching artistry, from Paleolithic caves to Grandmaster Flash.

YouTube Star Reimagines Music Theory Lessons


It is possible! YouTube star Adam Neely has made music theory fun, entertaining, even fascinating.

SIMM Announces Upcoming In-Person Gatherings


SIMM, or Social Impact of Making Music, is an independent international scholarly association, founded in 2017 and headquartered in Belgium, whose main research focus is the possible social impacts of learning and making music.

New Tool for Music Educators: The Comprehensive String Pedagogy & Curriculum


The new Comprehensive String Pedagogy & Curriculum (CSPC) has been written by Richard Young of the Vermeer Quartet as an in-depth tool for Sistema-inspired youth orchestra teachers, conductors, and administrators. A longtime admirer of José Antonio Abreu, Young has taught extensively throughout Latin America, Europe, and the U.S.

Americans for the Arts Offers Tips to Access New Government Grants


On May 26 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. EDT, Americans for the Arts will host an online session about tapping government funding from the American Rescue Plan. The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan (ARP) introduced by the Biden Administration delivers $350 billion in state and local block grants for Coronavirus fiscal recovery.


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