
The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Update from Sistema in Norwich


In June, Sistema in Norwich (England) presented a special concert of music composed by and for their students.  “Sistema Composers” included the premiere of “The Ghost of Grafton Way,” a piece commissioned for the Colegate Núcleo Orchestra from composer and flautist Efraín Oscher; it tells the story of the ghost that haunted the house in Grafton Way, London, where Venezuelan independence heroes Simón Bolívar and Francisco de Miranda met in June 1810.

Side by Side by El Sistema Sweden: Impressions from a Participating Program Director


Side by Side by El Sistema Sweden is a huge and unique international youth music camp that happens each year during the week of the summer solstice.  It is sponsored by the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra in partnership with El Sistema Sweden and the city of Gothenburg.  This summer, we at Passeurs D’Arts in France were thrilled to bring 18 of our students to the camp—they are between 7 and 17 years old, and come from two of our nucleos, Tutti Passeurs D’Arts Méditerranée and Garges-les-Gonesse in Paris.

Editorial: July 2019


I went last week to Side By Side By El Sistema Swe- den, an intensive international music camp spon- sored by the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra in partnership with the city and El Sistema Sweden. Let’s start with the statistics.

Music Education and Sustainable Development Goals—An Inquiry


Sustainable development is development that takes into account the world‘s present and future needs from a mostly social and environmental, but also economic, point of view. Recently, scientific as well as economic and political institutions have been using the so-called UN sustainable development goals  (SDGs) to plan, implement, and evaluate sustainability-related  action. The formulation of 17 goals and 169 ojectives is the first comprehensive international attempt to tackle poverty, health and educational issues, peace, and environmental problems.

Music without Barriers: an Integrated Experience from Lombardy


The SONG program in Milan, Italy (with its expressive acronym, designating Sistema Orchestre e cori / Nuclei Giovanili e infantile) began in 2011, and focuses on welcoming children with special needs into its core aims of integration through ensemble music education.

The Ambassadors’ Exchange, May 2019


Exciting things have been happening every day this month at Ghetto Classics. We had 4 two-week camps take place. First was the Ghetto Classics Mukuru kwa Ruben, a music program in Nairobi. The kids have grown a lot during the last camp performance.

Acción Social por la Música


Acción Social por la Música was founded in Madrid, Spain in 2013.  Our dream was to put music in the service of our most vulnerable people—following in the footsteps of Maestro José Antonio Abreu, whose conviction was that “music transforms adversity into hope.”  This dream began two years earlier when María Guerrero, our founder, discovered the documentary film “Dudamel: El sonido de los niños.”

The Ambassadors’ Exchange, April 2019


Zohra and Dream Orchestras met two days before the concert to rehearse, eat, and laugh together. The young musicians had many experiences to share. One just came from his homeland, while another escaped four years ago. One took an instrument instead of a weapon to fight for what she loves, while another chose to migrate.

In-Depth Research Study of Portugal’s Orquestra Geração


This study emerges within the framework of continuing the work undertaken by CIPEM (Research Centre in Psychology of Music and Music Education), in particular its interest in the relationship between music education and music in the community.

Creating Musical Communities in Romania


This month, 150 children in the community of Zizin, near Brasov in Romania, are celebrating six years of choral singing. Since April 2013, when I held the first rehearsal as part of Superar Romania, the choir program, involving mostly Roma children, has grown to become a stable and sought after part of village life. The program promotes the integration of marginalized people in the larger community, using music to develop the social skills necessary for the children to positively represent their village, which assists in contradicting stereotypes and prejudices.


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