Lewis Prize for Music Shares New Research on the State of Our Field

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Lewis Prize for Music Shares New Research on the State of Our Field


The Lewis Prize for Music has done something unusual in the grant-making arena: it just released a detailed, probing report on the state of the field, titled “Midcasting Toward Just Futures: Creative Youth Development’s Waymaking to Systems Change Through and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Download the report via Lewis Prize to learn how over 280 music CYD organizations are meeting the challenges of our time, and what youth leaders are saying about systems change. The report focuses on “the intersection of this deep trust-building relational work with CYD’s internal justice orientations, direct service and immediate needs responsiveness, movement building, and partnerships, as a nexus of systems change.”