
The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

First Panhellenic Conference on Community Music


A new community music hub is forming between the University of Macedonia, the International Centre for Community Music at York St John University, and the Greek Society of Music Education as they prepare to host the first Panhellenic Conference on Community Music on April 29–30 at the University of Macedonia.

‘Social Prescribing’ Goes Global


Imagine a world where health insurance providers cover the fee to participate in community choirs and ensembles—where participants can improve their social and physical health with no side effects. That’s the idea behind “social prescribing,” wherein healthcare professionals refer patients to social services, including arts programs, that promote health and wellbeing.

A Recommended Dose of Music


The British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST), with the support of music streaming service Deezer, has published research-informed guidelines on a daily “dose” of music to achieve various mood states.

Sistema Scotland: New Evaluation Shows Big Noise, Big Futures


Sistema Scotland is excited to share the learning from a recently published evaluation report by the Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH). The report, titled Statistical Analysis of Educational Outcomes Among Big Noise Raploch Participants, finds that young people who take part in Big Noise Raploch are more likely to achieve positive post-school outcomes and are more likely to be in employment than those who have not participated in the program.

New Study Boosts Evidence Base for Music’s Impact on Student Wellbeing


Recent research out of the University of Southern California (USC) further supports what we know to be true: music education has a profound impact on student wellbeing.

Music’s Role in Covid Recovery


Recent research is highlighting music’s capacity to support those who are suffering the effects of Covid.

Using the F-Word in Evaluation


“Failure” is a scary word in our work. It can be harmful to the young people we serve and damaging to our funding opportunities. But “failure” isn’t an evil term, or even an unhelpful one. Susanne Burns speaks candidly about this in her article in Arts Professional, “Why We Need to Use the F-Word in Evaluation.”

Unlocking Business Success with Jazz


While most of us feature music centrally in our programs, how many of us use it as part of our troubleshooting process?

Authentic Assessments: Prioritizing the Whole Student


Authentic assessments are projects that engage students in their own learning journeys and can be implemented by all ages and classes in the program throughout the academic school year. At the Harmony Project Phoenix, these authentic assessments focus particularly on Autonomy, Creativity, and Empathy. For example, in the Empathy assessment, students lead the project, with teachers serving as facilitators.

Sounds of Change Documentary 


Readers interested in the special power of work in refugee and asylum centers will be inspired by a short film just released by the Netherlands-based organization Sounds of Change, which trains changemakers to effect social change through music.


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