
The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

The Awesome Music Project of Canada Raises Funds to Address Mental Health Issues


The Canadian Awesome Music Project, which includes teaching artists in Sistema New Brunswick, raises funds to address mental health issues. They have created “The Awesome Music Project Canada: Songs of Hope and Happiness,” a compilation of intimate stories by Canadians from all walks of life and a tribute to the power of music to change lives. You can support their efforts here.

Music Haven Receives State Funding in Response to Community Outcry


Since 2007, Music Haven, in New Haven, CT, has delivered strong learning outcomes through programs that primarily serve families living below the federal poverty level, 91% of whom are students of color. In achieving a 100% college matriculation rate, Music Haven built lasting community loyalty that led to it receiving $100,000 directly from state funds—very unusual in the U.S. However, without explanation, their state funding was eliminated from the adjusted 2021 state budget, a devastating blow. Read about what happened next. (Spoiler: the funding made it back into the budget. Community commitment made all the difference!)


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