
The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

New Resources from the League of American Orchestras


The League of American Orchestras, which supports 700 member orchestras across North America, has recently launched three resources aimed to support equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the orchestra field.

Join the 10th World Summit on Arts Education, Oct. 11–15


The 2021 World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE) Virtual World Summit, titled “Arts Impact: Context Matters,” will be held October 11–15. Produced by Creative Generation, The University of Florida (UF), and the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE), the Summit will welcome arts education professionals from across the world to share their learning and develop a set of international principles for arts assessment. Learn more from Creative Generation and UF, and register via Creative Generation.

New Project Connects TAs across Asia


Singapore-based teaching artist Jeffrey Tan is exploring ways that fellow TAs can advocate for inclusive arts practice in Asia, through his ITAC-funded program Teaching Artist Asia. The project seeks to document, map, and advocate for TAs working across the region, exploring inclusive practice and collaborating with the sector’s disability community. As part of the project, Tan and a series of guest speakers host monthly online sessions that unpack the unique ways that TAs in Asia approach their work. Sessions are free to attend, and the next one is September 27. View the schedule via ITAC to get involved. The project’s findings will be shared at the ITAC6 Conference in Oslo in 2022.

New International Music Festival for Young Musicians in Chile


An Orchestra of the Americas alum has started an international music festival offering young musicians week-long intensive sessions with renowned faculty from the Orchestre de Paris, Metropolitan Opera, and other world-class institutions. The International Chamber Music Festival of Elqui is open to ambitious young musicians studying piano, strings, winds, and percussion, and will take place this November at Chile’s University of La Serena. Check out their website for more information, and follow their Facebook and Instagram accounts for upcoming information on how to register.

Register for Two Hybrid Events This Fall


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Sphinx Announces 2022 Sphinx Medals of Excellence Awardees


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VIDEO: Sweden’s Side by Side Camp Festival Concert


Last month, El Sistema Sweden and the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra held their annual international Side by Side camp, welcoming participants from Sweden, Greenland, Venezuela, the U.S., and elsewhere to play and learn together. For the second straight year, the pandemic forced the camp to take place online, but the results were no less beautiful.

Sphinx Offering Opportunities for Arts Organizations, Leaders, and Students


The Sphinx Organization is offering several upcoming opportunities for funding support and professional development.

Make Music Day Calls for All Musicians to Take to the Streets on June 21


Make Music Day began as a small idea in France for a new kind of musical holiday, one where live music emanates from every corner and in any setting, as inclusively as possible. Now, 39 years later, it is a globally recognized holiday and festival in 120 countries, threading together different musical cultures all on one day: June 21. This free event invites all levels of musicians to participate in their hometowns’ Make Music Days, or to take the lead in bringing it to their respective cities with a downloadable toolkit. Consider this unique opportunity for your program or organization to participate in—or start—a day of shared musical community.

Register for the Artists as Changemakers Conference


The Artists as Changemakers Online Conference, hosted by Musicians Without Borders, is now open for registration. Presented in collaboration with ART27, the conference will take place on June 20 in acknowledgment of #WorldRefugeeDay and bring an array of workshops and presentations that highlight artist activism and teaching. Sessions will be presented in two blocks and feature the following speakers and organizations: Community Arts Network, Freemuse, Bristol Refugee Festival, Laura Hassler, Manu van Kersbergen, and Guus van der Steen. The conference is free and participants can register via Eventbrite.


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