Community Building

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Boston String Academy Performs for the UN


As 2024 drew to a close, the Boston String Academy celebrated the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly with a performance at Carnegie Hall alongside Boston Conservatory’s Venus Quartet.

Crowdfunding Launches Lisbon Orchestra on First International Tour


Sinfonia do Bairro, a Lisbon-based ensemble founded by Mariana Pinto, recently celebrated a major milestone with their first international tour to Paris.

Accelerating Our Actions


As I pen this, I find myself looking through some of the session schedules of prominent convenings in our field over the course of the next several months. Many of these gatherings have their anchored purpose clarified and grounded—and, on paper, this is truly inspiring! However, it’s unfortunate to see that many of the topics are the same as those we discussed two, three, or four seasons ago. We continue to address the same problems, instead of new, compounded issues that we all must rally around, to course-correct.

Applications Open for Side by Side


Side by Side is now accepting applications for their international music camp in Gothenburg, Sweden through January 28.

AMPLIFY Digital Music Project Launched in EU


Fourteen organizational partners from eight European countries gathered last month for the launch of the EU-funded AMPLIFY project, bringing together artists, technologists, and researchers to elevate “phygital” (physical-digital) experiences with music.

Spotify and Youth Music Team Up to Protect At-Risk Music Spaces


Fifteen youth music spaces across the UK are no longer at risk of closing thanks to critical support from Spotify and Youth Music.

In Malawi, the Tumaini Festival Is More Journey Than Destination


Our flagship program is the annual Tumaini Festival, a free three-day global celebration held in the Camp, showcasing arts and cultural performances by refugee, Malawian, and international artists. As the star project of Tumaini Letu, this festival is the first and only one of its kind within a refugee camp. It highlights diverse art forms including music, theatre, poetry, and dance, spread across five performance areas. The Festival also features a display space for visual artists, a special evening dedicated to film screenings, and a children’s playground. Through everything from music and dance to spoken word and art, the Festival breaks stereotypes and builds solidarity among all attendees.

In His Words: Ron Davis Alvarez, Founder/Director, The Dream Orchestra


Ron Davis Alvarez, Director of The Dream Orchestra in Gothenburg, Sweden, was nominated as one of the five finalists in the 2024 CNN “Heroes” contest sponsored by the United States-based multinational Cable News Network (CNN). The contest features “inspiring people who have found unique ways to help others,” and aims to elevate awareness of inspirational work by people around the world.

The Ensemble Executive Editor Patrick Scafidi recently interviewed Ron via email.

Daniel Barenboim Speaks About the Power of Music against Conflict


Conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim shared some powerful words in a recent interview with the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, sharing how musicians can pave the way toward cultural understanding during times of conflict.

The Baithak Foundation Works to Measure Impact


As in many countries around the world, education has become a machine in India. This machine does a good job of building left-brain capabilities, but as Yale scholar Iain McGilchrist argues in his book The Master and His Emissary, our left brain is an exceptional servant but a very poor master. At the Baithak Foundation, this sentiment was more important than we ever realized. When we started working with traditional Indian music as a tool for holistic development of children, we were totally unaware that we were addressing the lack of stimuli and opportunities to develop the right brain in our educational system.


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