
The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Intergenerational Learning through Songwriting


During my graduate studies at the Longy School of Music at Bard College, I studied intergenerational learning—that is, how both young people and adults learn. I discovered that despite the generational and cultural divides between Gen Z-ers, baby boomers, and millennials, there were more similarities than differences. I wondered how I could foster authentic connections in an intergenerational space where everyone learns more about one another.

A Partnership to Amplify Black Teaching Artists and Afrocentric Pedagogy


By now, you likely know about Creative Generation and The Black Teaching Artist Lab (BTAL); we’ve shared many of their resources over the past year. As of mid-August, the two organizations have formed a partnership aimed to support BTAL’s mission to provide Black teaching artists with an Afrocentric SEL teaching framework.

Join the 10th World Summit on Arts Education, Oct. 11–15


The 2021 World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE) Virtual World Summit, titled “Arts Impact: Context Matters,” will be held October 11–15. Produced by Creative Generation, The University of Florida (UF), and the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE), the Summit will welcome arts education professionals from across the world to share their learning and develop a set of international principles for arts assessment. Learn more from Creative Generation and UF, and register via Creative Generation.

Sistema Europe Wants to Feature Your Program at SEYO SummerFest


The world is getting together in a couple of weeks—join the Sistema Europe Youth Orchestra SummerFest 2021, July 21–24 and 28–30. Check out the program here and join SEYO’s SummerFest by registering at:

VIDEO: Sweden’s Side by Side Camp Festival Concert


Last month, El Sistema Sweden and the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra held their annual international Side by Side camp, welcoming participants from Sweden, Greenland, Venezuela, the U.S., and elsewhere to play and learn together. For the second straight year, the pandemic forced the camp to take place online, but the results were no less beautiful.

Arts and Healing: A Call for Unique Voices


Creative Generation is calling for stories about how the arts and arts education have helped people and communities heal. Their theme for June is “Healing,” which follows the previous month’s theme of “Protest Art.” Artists are asked to share their stories of recovery and community using whatever social media platforms they prefer. Use the social media handle @Campaign4GenC and #CreativityForGood to contribute to this global call.

Connect Your Students to Artists Around the World


What is Classroom Connect? Created by Teach to Learn, it is a “customizable virtual classroom that uses live-streaming video to connect students and teachers in the United States to musicians from around the world.” Teachers who are looking for ways to expose their young musicians to international artists and genres should check out this offering of music and musicians from all over the world.

The Teachers’ Guide to Global, Collaborative Teaching and Learning


One of the few silver linings of this ongoing pandemic has been a collective recommitment to global connection. If we’re all learning in the same place—the Internet—why not share and interact with people across the world? The Teachers’ Guide to Global, Collaborative Teaching and Learning—published by iEARN-USA (the international Education and Resource Network) with support from the Longview Foundation—has compiled a list of these many opportunities for connection, for students and arts practitioners alike. Cultural exchange programs, camps, conversations, and opportunities for collective action abound, so share this far and wide. No matter how specific your collaborative vision, this list has you covered.

Sistema-Inspired Programs in England Share Teaching Tips and Tools


Teachers from Sistema-inspired programs in England have shared their best tips and tools for teaching, learned over the course of their careers.

Reflection Series on Anti-Racism and Cultural Education Asks, ‘Where Do We Go from Here?’


From August to December 2020, the Teaching Artistry with Courtney J. Boddie podcast and Creative Generation collaborated with 22 inspiring artists, educators, and community activists—21 of whom are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)—through the We Can’t Go Back video series.


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