
The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Sistema-Inspired Programs in England Share Teaching Tips and Tools


Teachers from Sistema-inspired programs in England have shared their best tips and tools for teaching, learned over the course of their careers.

International Music Council Publishes Music World News E-Bulletin


You may want to subscribe to Music World News, a newsletter from the International Music Council (in association with the European Music Council and the EU Creative Europe Programme).

A Case for Child-Centered Research


This article on Lapsinäkökulma (Finnish for “Children’s Perspective”) presents the case for child-centered research from a doctoral student and researcher who is studying El Sistema programs in different countries.

Reflection Series on Anti-Racism and Cultural Education Asks, ‘Where Do We Go from Here?’


From August to December 2020, the Teaching Artistry with Courtney J. Boddie podcast and Creative Generation collaborated with 22 inspiring artists, educators, and community activists—21 of whom are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)—through the We Can’t Go Back video series.

IIEP-UNESCO Builds a Policy Toolbox for Educational Planning


UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) has created a free, comprehensive “Policy Toolbox,” 500 policy options for educational management and planning based on your country’s needs.

International Guthman Musical Instrument Competition Produces Creative Musical Technology


Called “the X-prize for music” by Wired, the annual Guthman Musical Instrument Competition has announced its 2021 winners.

Encourage a Young Person to Apply for the Global Student Prize


We are re-sharing this February resource for those who may have missed it: Please consider encouraging an extraordinary young person to apply for the Global Student Prize (aligned with the Global Teacher Prize).

Independent Website Becomes Preeminent Bach Resource


One Israeli man’s hobby became the world’s busiest Bach website. Aryeh Aron’s lifelong passion for music (especially jazz and Bach) turned his curiosity into a website that gets 15,000-20,000 visits a day. If you have a Bach question or curiosity, now you know where to go: The Bach Cantatas Website.

Sweden’s Dream Orchestra Named a Winner of the 2021 Ockenden International Prize


Congratulations to Sweden’s Dream Orchestra Young Leaders Program for being one of four winners of the 2021 Ockenden International Prize.

Save the Date: July 19-31, 2021


Sistema Europe and Acción Social por la Música are partnering in a two-year Sistema Europe Youth Orchestra project, “We Play to Transform the World.” During Summer 2021, an online SEYO Summerfest 21 will provide a digital space for online performances, thought sessions, and classes; all will be open and free to Sistema-inspired participants from Europe and around the world. Sessions will also include rehearsal classes and preparation work for SEYO Madrid 22, when Acción Social por la Música will host the 2022 SEYO Festival in Madrid.


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