
The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Open Society Foundations–Africa Announces First Call for Proposals


The Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa, part of the Open Society Foundations (OSF) network, invites Africa-based organizations working in the areas of expression, equity, justice, and women’s rights to apply for their first call for grant proposals.

Lewis Prize for Music Opens Accelerator Award Applications


U.S.-based music organizations working in after-school or community settings, take note! The Lewis Prize for Music is now accepting applications for their 2023 Accelerator Awards.

‘Aesthetic Perspectives in Evaluation’ Webinar


For all our efforts to quantify and report the results of our arts programs, many of us struggle with zooming out to evaluate our organizations. An upcoming free webinar hosted by Americans for the Arts might help: “Aesthetic Perspectives in Evaluation” will take place online on May 10 (15:00–16:15 EST).

New Fellowship Program Supports Cultural Workers in the Global South


In response to the limited support given to arts and cultural sectors in the Global South, Living Arts International has launched the South-South Arts Fellowships—a pilot program to deepen connections among cultural workers living and working in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific.

L.A. Philharmonic Offering Free Lesson Plans and Concerts


Schools and families around the world can register for free access to on-demand lesson plans and concert videos on the L.A. Phil’s website and will receive an access link when the platform launches on May 9.

Yo-Yo Ma Offers a Message of Hope for Afghan Musicians


We’re heartened to share an update from the Afghanistan National Institute of Music (ANIM) following our coverage of their evacuation last year.

SHIFT Project Addresses U.N. Sustainable Development Goals for Cultural Sector


Many arts and cultural organizations are orienting—or have long been orienting—their work toward the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. A free new resource is here to help with that process: SHIFT—Shared Initiatives For Training.

El Sistema School WHIN Expands Charter


The U.S.’s WHIN Music Community Charter School, the country’s first school to be designed and founded on El Sistema principles, has renewed their charter for five years—expanding to a new middle school this September.

Timeline of African American Music


Carnegie Hall’s “Timeline of African American Music,” created by Portia K. Maultsby, Ph.D., is an educational resource showcasing the evolution of African American music over the past 400 years.

Funding… for Carnival Music


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