Play the World Game (and Solve the World’s Problems)

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Play the World Game (and Solve the World’s Problems)


If you enjoy games that reward the sort of inventive thinking we do best, we have a doozy for you. And it’s being played on a global stage.

The International Futures Forum’s World Game is a clear, memorable way of thinking about and solving global problems. Based on IFF member Tony Hodgson’s World System Model, it is designed to help us understand the different, interconnected societal factors that go into change, giving us a way to talk about these problems with others and focusing our attention on how we can generate solutions in any local context.

The “Game” will take place over two online sessions—the first on Monday, October 17, and the second on October 24. Each session will begin at 8:30 a.m. PDT and will last between 2 and 2 ½ hours; by registering, you must commit to both times. This is an event for everyone, from concerned citizens to arts workers to members of the U.N. High Commission. Register now via Charter for Compassion.