The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

NAfME Report: Divisive Concepts Laws and Music Education


Regressive lawmaking in the U.S. has led some music educators to feel unsafe talking about race, gender, or history in the classroom. In response, the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) a published a must-read report earlier this year on Divisive Concepts Laws (DCL)legislative and executive orders that restrict teaching and learning activities related to race, gender, sexuality, and U.S. historyand their impact on music educators across the U.S.

NAfME Shares New Covid-Safety Guidelines for Music Classrooms


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Professional Development Clock Hours from NAfME


Free professional development clock hours have been made available by the National Association for Music Education in response to the unprecedented cancelations of conferences and shift to online teaching. These resources, including ten webinars from NAfME Academy, 14 articles from Music Educator Journal, and Live Professional Learning Community webinar series, are peer-reviewed and specifically developed for and by music educators.


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