Community Building

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

High School Interns Power East Lake Expression Engine


At Expression Engine, we hire our students. Our students are our expansion plan, our growing capacity, and our future. We hire them as interns at 14, and, since they have already been participating in peer teaching, they are ready to step up. “The Engine” belongs to them, and they know it.

GLP Imagined Community Concert: ‘Let It Be’ Mantras


Ian’s favorite song was The Beatles’ “Let It Be,” which he regularly played alongside MVM participants. In the wake of his passing, the song became a source of connective tissue for the MVM community. For Ian, “Let It Be” was a message of hope; we wondered what three-word mantras would resonate with MVM’s young people.

Sixth International Teaching Artist Conference


The International Teaching Artist Collaborative, the largest international network of artists working for social change, will host its sixth annual conference this year in Oslo, Norway on September 1–3, 2022.

L.A. Philharmonic Offering Free Lesson Plans and Concerts


Schools and families around the world can register for free access to on-demand lesson plans and concert videos on the L.A. Phil’s website and will receive an access link when the platform launches on May 9.

Instilling—and then Measuring—Confidence in Young Band Members


Six thousand children participate in field bands across South Africa. These bands operate in rural and peri-urban communities that have little in the way of cultural, educational, or public health infrastructure. After-school activities are few. And yet, within these communities’ growing bands, people are growing, too.

Finding Harmony in Chennai and Delhi


In India’s most disadvantaged communities, musicianship is not always encouraged. Domestic violence is not uncommon in some homes; in others, girls are not allowed to sing due to household chores. Some families simply don’t like their children singing. And yet many of these very same communities have produced the members of the NalandaWay Foundation’s Children’s Choir.

Save the Date: El Sistema USA Symposium & Seminario, April 28–30


El Sistema USA has announced that their 2022 National Symposium and Seminario will take place virtually on April 28–30, 2022.

Scenes from the YOLA National Symposium


The work of running an El Sistema-inspired program can sometimes feel intensely lonely. But last weekend at the YOLA National Symposium in Los Angeles, this work felt rich with community—with good music, new friends, and shared experiences. The Symposium’s umbrella theme was, simply, “Change,” and participants approached that theme with joy, experimentation, challenge, and connection.

Welcome to the Beckmen YOLA Center 


There are so many youth-centered programs, particularly in our Sistema community, that dream of creating a space just for their students. A space to design freely; a space to be a mentor. A space to perform. A space that belongs to, and works for, the community. Unfortunately, for far too many deserving programs and organizations, those dreams are not easily realized. What could it mean for the field if we call on our funders, institutions, and teams to truly commit to the change and advancement we have long sought?

Collaborators in the Key of Change


Society’s highest goal for children in foster care seems to be keeping them out of trouble. But their social workers ache for more. In our conversations, they were drawn to the idea of offering children a path to rare and significant personal success, including new skills and disciplines that would change their future.


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