Share Your Cleverest Program Design to Be Featured at SEYO SummerFest 2021

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Share Your Cleverest Program Design to Be Featured at SEYO SummerFest 2021


Special opportunity! The SEYO 2021 SummerFest is happening this July and will feature a World Ensemble Day on July 22. We will explore some of the coolest, cleverest, most unusual and interesting projects or practices of Sistema-inspired programs around the world. Are you particularly proud of something your program does which others likely don’t do? It could be anything—a surprising and effective way that you present music, raise funds, engage students, inspire teachers, or make connections. Who knows what clever ideas are working out there?

Let us know, so we can share your work at this global conference! It doesn’t need to be a big feature—it could be a musical warmup you’ve invented, or something you do at rehearsals, or a way you communicate with parents.

How to submit:

Please send us a no-more-than-two-minute video that describes this cool feature of your program. All submitted videos will be shared from our website, and up to ten selected videos will be featured during SEYO SummerFest. Smartphone videos are welcome, but please record your video horizontally.

Please share your video via your own social media account(s) by July 12, 2021, one week before SEYO. Be sure to use the following hashtags: #SEYO21; #EnsembleNews; #WorldEnsembleDay; #SistemaEuropeYouthOrchestra; #SistemaEurope

Where to share:

Facebook: EnsembleNews, SistemaEurope
Twitter: EnsembleNews, SistemaEurope

Please upload a copy of your video for us here as well: We can’t wait to see your creativity in action!


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