
The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Join the SIMM-posia!


The first Social Impact of Music Making Research Seminar will be held 5-9 November in Helsinki, Finland at the Sibelius Academy Training Center.

Ghetto Classics Updates


Ghetto Classics Tree Planting: Taking advantage of the April rains in Nairobi, the Ghetto Classics students in Korogocho made the decision to improve their surroundings by planting trees.

Ten Youth Represent Venezuela in the World Youth Choir


The World Youth Choir (WYC) is an educational and social experience aimed at talented young singers between the ages of 17 and 26, from all over the world. Each year the WYC hosts summer and winter sessions, organised in different countries, taking young musicians on tour under the direction of renowned conductors.

Sistema New Zealand Gathers Together


Sistema New Zealand had its National Hui (gathering) on 30 June in Hamilton, central North Island of New Zealand. This biennial gathering included Sistema Whangarei, Sistema Aotearoa, Arohanui Strings and the hosts were Sistema Waikato. The New Zealand Rōpū (consortium) operates by a memorandum of understanding rather than by a centralised administration, and preparation for the event included Skype meetings to create the type of event and then to agree on shared repertoire.

Ghetto Classics to perform at Brave festival in Poland


This July, students from Ghetto Classics in Kenya will be performing at the Brave Festival in Poland, conducted by Radzimir Dębski (JIMEK), the world-famous Polish conductor. 

Preparing Students for “The Big Event”


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The Great Lakes El Sistema Seminario


On June 27-28, Goshen College hosted the Great Lakes El Sistema Seminario in Goshen, Indiana.

Colombian Tribute to Maestro Abreu


On May 15, 2018, the Colombian national Sistema program Batuta brought together young musicians from all over the country to join in a huge concert paying tribute to Maestro Jose Antonio Abreu, who died on March 24th.

El Sistema Kenya 2018 Updates


El Sistema Kenya (ESK) has just celebrated its fourth year of working with children in Nairobi. ESK currently has three staff members who handle program logistics and finances, and six teachers who teach violin, clarinet, flute, recorder, singing, and music theory. They are working with over 200 children in three different slums in Nairobi.

The First Annual Symposium of El Sistema in the USA


The symposiums I’ve attended in my professional career have run the gamut from too much academicism to too much mutual reinforcement among like-minded individuals. But neither was the case at the 2018 El Sistema USA (ESUSA) National Symposium, held during a surprisingly snowy January weekend on the campus of Duke University. There was certainly a prevalence of head-nodding among the nearly 200 attendees, but it was the kind of agreement that symbolized an eagerness to challenge and to improve.


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