
The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Unlocking Business Success with Jazz


While most of us feature music centrally in our programs, how many of us use it as part of our troubleshooting process?

Grants for Afterschool Programs


What young people do with their free time matters, and afterschool music programs play a big role in supporting their wellbeing and success. Happily, a new grant program aims to keep these programs thriving.

Sounds of Change Documentary 


Readers interested in the special power of work in refugee and asylum centers will be inspired by a short film just released by the Netherlands-based organization Sounds of Change, which trains changemakers to effect social change through music.

NEA Grants for Arts Projects Launches New Cycle


The National Endowment for the Arts, the biggest funder of arts programs in the U.S., has launched a new cycle of its Grants for Arts Projects.

New Study to Explore Singing with Young Refugees


Research tells us that refugees are especially at risk of developing mental illness. Fortunately, evidence also shows that singing can help counteract those risks.

New Film from the Lewis Prize for Music


Want to see Creative Youth Development (CYD) in action? The Lewis Prize for Music, which supports youth-focused music organizations annually through their grants program, recently produced a short film to help increase public awareness and understanding of the CYD field.

Nucleo Founder Honored by the King of England


The teaching artistry field has caught the attention of the King of England.

An Orchestra of Healers


AdventHealth, one of the largest non-profit healthcare systems in the United States, has taken a unique approach to supporting its healthcare workers: an AdventHealth Orchestra for its employees.

Arts Recovery for Frontline Workers


The Australian Defence Force has created an arts program to support frontline workers, building confidence and resilience through music, visual arts, and creative writing.

Suggested Reading: ‘Strong Lightning’ by Jason Madison


We form strong bonds with the young people in our programs, sometimes in ways we don’t even realize. In light of that fact, we’re grateful for this personal essay by Jason Madison, a seventh-year member of Richmond, California’s RYSE Youth Center.


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