Social Justice

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

AIM Performance Videos Challenge the Status Quo


The Academy for Impact through Music‘s performance videos invite teaching artists to challenge the status quo in rehearsal and concert formats.

Learning Leadership at The Lewis Prize for Music
A Conversation with Nadia Johnson and Raiyasha Paris


The Lewis Prize for Music (TLPM) has supported our field over the past five years by granting significant awards to programs across the U.S. In addition, TLPM sometimes brings students from the programs they support into the organization’s leadership development projects.

TLPM recently brought two of these young leaders into conversation about the impact these professional experiences have had on their learning and their lives.

Encourage Young People to Join Peer Discussions on Social Justice


Do you have young people in your program, in the U.S. or any other country, who would like to engage with peers (ages 16–24) in open conversations?


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