Sistema Europe Youth Orchestra

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

The Sound of the World


National and international youth orchestra and choir festivals instill a collaborative mindset in their participants and provide all attendees with powerful, lasting memories. But they are time-consuming to organize, requiring logistical know-how and well-considered, family-flexible safeguarding policies for the children and young people. It’s not only tiring; it’s expensive. And program leaders know firsthand that students progress with or without these national or international festivals. So why bother? What do they offer to young people that their own programs can’t provide?

My answer, in a word: perspective.

The 2024 SEYO Summer Residency


The Seventh Sistema Europe Youth Orchestra Residency was hosted this July by Urbino and Pesaro, Italy; the residency was held within the celebrations of Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024. This event continued a bi-annual tradition that began in 2013: previous summer camps have taken place in Vienna/Salzburg, Austria; Istanbul, Turkey; Milan, Italy; Athens, Greece; Birmingham, U.K.; and Madrid, Spain.

This year’s gathering was more than a musical event; it was also a chance for young musicians to explore the connections between music and nature, guided by the theme “Song of the Earth,” which put a focus on questions of sustainability.

Sistema Europe Youth Orchestra to Host Sixth Residency in Madrid, July 4-12


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EDITORIAL: The Transformative Power of Big


I have been lucky enough to attend the last three gatherings of the global Sistema’s biggest events—Side by Side by El Sistema Sweden, Sistema Europe Youth Orchestra, and the YOLA National Festival.  There is no getting around it—these are gigantically complex efforts to design and manage, and they are expensive.

The One American in SEYO


Last August, I had the good fortune to be the only U.S. musician in the Sistema Europe Youth Orchestra. SEYO generously offered me that opportunity because I was born in Birmingham, England – the site of the “SEYO 18” Festival – and was back visiting the city after living in the States for 14 years.


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