
The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Mentorship Award: Cultural & Artistic Responses to Environmental Change


Most people agree that the world needs more creative responses to the critical environmental issues we face. The Prince Claus Fund and theGoethe-Institut invite exactly this sort of artistic action through their year-long interdisciplinary program Cultural & Artistic Responses to Environmental Change. 

First Panhellenic Conference on Community Music


A new community music hub is forming between the University of Macedonia, the International Centre for Community Music at York St John University, and the Greek Society of Music Education as they prepare to host the first Panhellenic Conference on Community Music on April 29–30 at the University of Macedonia.

GLI Imagined Community Concert: “Our City, Our Stage” at Community MusicWorks


The events we imagined for “Our City, Our Stage” intend to honor CMW’s rich legacy of gathering community voices, centering relationships, and highlighting artistic pathways. In short, we wanted to help CMW coalesce more fully with its surrounding community. With that in mind, we designed preparatory activities for the community to enjoy together—activities such as community listening sessions, organized by youth leaders, that lead to the creation of mini murals based on community feedback.

FOJI: Growing Orchestras across Chile


Chile is a unique country. Its territories are incredibly diverse, from the driest desert (Atacama) to the mountainous, brisk lands at the continent’s southernmost point (Magallanes, Aysén). This adds a layer of complication to our work at Fundación de Orquestas Juveniles e Infantiles de Chile (FOJI), where we strive to make it possible for musicians in every region to participate in ensemble music performance—even if it requires multi-day trips by sea, land, and air.

International Gathering of Researchers in Our Field


The scholarly association SIMM (Social Impact of Music Making), an international research initiative headquartered in Brussels, is hosting its 7th annual “SIMM-posium” in London on December 12–14, 2022. P

New Opportunities from Sphinx


If you’ve been an Ensemble reader for some time, you know about Sphinx. The long-running social justice organization is dedicated to advancing Black and Latinx representation in classical music—and they’ve just opened registration portals for two unique opportunities.

YOLA National Festival 2023 Opens Call for Applications


As the year winds down, summer festival opportunities are already knocking on our students’ doors—including the Los Angeles Philharmonic’s YOLA National Festival.

Detroit Youth Choir Sings Out against Gun Violence


While many communities continue to reckon with the consequences of gun violence, the Detroit Youth Choir has released a powerful new music video honoring lives lost with a call to action.

‘Creating Healthy Communities’ Gathering


On October 10–11, the University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine is hosting the “Creating Healthy Communities 2022 Convening,” welcoming students, professionals, and organizations who are engaged in the arts, public health, and community development initiatives.

Showing Up as a Global Field: A UNESCO Invitation for Our Readers


We say we are a global field. But are we? An open call from UNESCO—which you may not have heard about—presents us with an unprecedented opportunity to move in that direction.


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