Vijay Gupta Calls for More Inclusive Educational Spaces

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Vijay Gupta Calls for More Inclusive Educational Spaces


As part of their annual conference this past June, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) featured Vijay Gupta, the music-social activist and Street Symphony Founder/Artistic Director, who is a longtime friend and faculty member of YOLA and the Longy MAT program. Street Symphony brings music to people experiencing homelessness or incarceration. At the conference, Gupta encouraged attendees to look for the humanity of society’s most ostracized groups and resist the urge to “other” them, particularly when it comes to educational spaces. To further his call to action, Gupta used the Japanese art of Kintsugi as a metaphor for the healing that comes from more inclusive societies and educational spaces. Learn more about Gupta’s perspective from this ASCD article.