World Alliance for Arts Education

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Attend the WAAE Summit


What sounds better than a trip to Athens in October? How about the chance to meet and learn from arts educators from around the world?

Join the 10th World Summit on Arts Education, Oct. 11–15


The 2021 World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE) Virtual World Summit, titled “Arts Impact: Context Matters,” will be held October 11–15. Produced by Creative Generation, The University of Florida (UF), and the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE), the Summit will welcome arts education professionals from across the world to share their learning and develop a set of international principles for arts assessment. Learn more from Creative Generation and UF, and register via Creative Generation.

News Notes, December 2020


Creative Youth Development (CYD) is a theory of practice integrating creative skill-building, inquiry and expression with positive youth development principles. These principles can fuel young people’s imaginations and assist in building critical learning and life skills.


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