Social Connection

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Growing AIM’s Firebird Fellowship into an Alumni Program


“Your alumni will become your best assets for your mission.” That’s what social entrepreneurs from Changemaker Fellowships told AIM’s leadership when we began in 2018. So far, we agree. 

Music, Theater, and Collaboration: Creating Common Languages for Joy


Seenaryo has been creating collaborative and imaginative community theater in Lebanon since 2015. We started working in Jordan in 2018, and we ran our first training in Palestine in 2022. While Seenaryo is first and foremost a theater organization, music has always played a big part in what we do.

At Manzil Mystics, Ancient Language Offers Timeless Truth


There are not many music programs in the world with the word “Mystics” in their name. But it serves us well. Like many Ensemble readers, we are a passionate group of musicians working toward creating social inclusion and happy childhoods through music. And we find inspiration in the all-inclusive and peaceful messages of mystic poets like Kabir Das and Mahatma Gandhi.


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