The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Upcoming Events at SIMM


SIMM, an international music and social impact research network, has announced two events this fall.

International Gathering of Researchers in Our Field


The scholarly association SIMM (Social Impact of Music Making), an international research initiative headquartered in Brussels, is hosting its 7th annual “SIMM-posium” in London on December 12–14, 2022. P

SIMM: An International Research Platform for Music’s Role in Social and Community Work


We came to understand that part of the explanation for the relative lack of research could be found in exaggerated rhetoric and redemptionist discourse about the power of music. In addition, many people seemed to think it was simply not necessary to do research on something that is already considered obvious. (My colleagues and I sometimes encountered such reactions in relation to our own scholarly work.) Fortunately, this has started to change recently, and more research projects are now being undertaken in this field.

SIMM Publishes Two Podcasts and a Special Issue of Musicae Scientae


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SIMM Announces Upcoming In-Person Gatherings


SIMM, or Social Impact of Making Music, is an independent international scholarly association, founded in 2017 and headquartered in Belgium, whose main research focus is the possible social impacts of learning and making music.

The Fifth Annual International SIMM-posium Will Be Free and Online


The fifth annual international SIMM-posium (Research Symposium on the Social Impact of Making Music), originally scheduled to occur in Brussels last month, has been postponed and reorganized as a nine-week series of online webinars beginning on January 12. The webinars are free and open to all. You can find detailed information on the full program on the SIMM website. Registration is on the Bozar website; you must register for each session separately.


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