Creative Generation

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

A Partnership to Amplify Black Teaching Artists and Afrocentric Pedagogy


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A Partnership to Amplify Black Teaching Artists and Afrocentric Pedagogy


By now, you likely know about Creative Generation and The Black Teaching Artist Lab (BTAL); we’ve shared many of their resources over the past year. As of mid-August, the two organizations have formed a partnership aimed to support BTAL’s mission to provide Black teaching artists with an Afrocentric SEL teaching framework.

Join the 10th World Summit on Arts Education, Oct. 11–15


The 2021 World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE) Virtual World Summit, titled “Arts Impact: Context Matters,” will be held October 11–15. Produced by Creative Generation, The University of Florida (UF), and the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE), the Summit will welcome arts education professionals from across the world to share their learning and develop a set of international principles for arts assessment. Learn more from Creative Generation and UF, and register via Creative Generation.

Arts and Healing: A Call for Unique Voices


Creative Generation is calling for stories about how the arts and arts education have helped people and communities heal. Their theme for June is “Healing,” which follows the previous month’s theme of “Protest Art.” Artists are asked to share their stories of recovery and community using whatever social media platforms they prefer. Use the social media handle @Campaign4GenC and #CreativityForGood to contribute to this global call.

Reflection Series on Anti-Racism and Cultural Education Asks, ‘Where Do We Go from Here?’


From August to December 2020, the Teaching Artistry with Courtney J. Boddie podcast and Creative Generation collaborated with 22 inspiring artists, educators, and community activists—21 of whom are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)—through the We Can’t Go Back video series.

Four Steps to Cultivate Creativity for Good


In November 2019, I wrote an article for The World Ensemble titled “We Have Work to Do in How We Describe Our Work,” issuing a call to socially motivated music programs to more authentically and effectively describe the outcomes of the socially engaged music education they deliver. Since that time, we at Creative Generation—a global NGO working to inspire, connect, and amplify young creatives catalyzing social change—have sought to more closely align the ways we describe our work with our organizational values.

Arts Education Policy Review Publishes Special Issue on Community Arts Organizations


This special issue of the Arts Education Policy Review brings together perspectives from community-based arts organizations around the world to highlight and reflect upon the ways in which they and the youth they serve responded to the COVID-19 pandemic between March and September of 2020.

The Young & Emerging Leaders Forum Series


There is a meeting place for future leaders in our field. Presented by Creative Generation, the Young and Emerging Leaders Forum is a gathering for “young scholars, emerging leaders, and new colleagues to the field of arts education.” The Forum creates a space to share work, participate in shared learning, and cultivate “leadership pipelines” for the global arts field. There are multiple participatory sessions in the series that started in December and will end in June 2021. If you or a colleague is 35 or under, or within the first five years of your career, consider signing up for the upcoming session on February 4 via Creative Generation.

ArtPlace America and Creative Generation Quantify Impact of Creative Youth on Communities


The Creative Youth & Community Development research initiative, commissioned by ArtPlace America and led by Creative Generation, investigates the intersections of arts and culture, community development, and youth development. The initiative produced a series of web-based tools and resources created by and for practitioners that live on the ArtPlace America website. “Centering Creating Youth in Community Development: A Creative Placemaking Field Scan,” addressed this question: What impact do creative youth have on communities? Their answers offer sets of findings: community benefits defined by young creatives, opportunities for partnering to expand the reach of projects, and defining success in new ways. Read more here.

Now Available: A Digital Library of Learning Modules from Expert Teaching Artists


Teaching artists anywhere now have access to a clearinghouse of new tools and resources from the International Teaching Artist Collaborative (ITAC). The U.S. organization Creative Generation (CG) has received an ITAC grant for their “Knowledge Sharing and Digital Learning Project,” which creates digital learning modules out of ITAC’s monthly Think Tanks. These modules go deeper into strong practices shared by teaching artists who are experts in a particular subject area, disseminating that expertise throughout the field of teaching artistry. CG has already begun to publish these expanded learning modules—the first five feature teaching artists from Ghana, Czech Republic, Scotland, Australia, and Papua New Guinea—and will continue to publish more. CG will also publish research and resources from sessions presented at ITAC4 (Carnegie Hall, 2012) and ITAC5 (Seoul, South Korea, 2020).


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