Call to Action: Sing in Solidarity with Our Myanmar Colleagues

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Call to Action: Sing in Solidarity with Our Myanmar Colleagues


An audiovisual project called “Sing in Solidarity with Myanmar Citizens,” launched in response to the military coup initiated in Myanmar on February 1, 2021, has attracted thousands of singing supporters across the world. The organizers, who include musicians and dancers from the inclusive music education program Gitameit Music Institute (read our 2020 feature on them here), have invited the international community to video-record themselves singing a short new song produced by the Myanmar Civil Disobedience Movement/Campaign.

Source: Sing in Solidarity with Myanmar Citizens Compilation Video.

The first compilation video has been released; you can express solidarity by posting, sharing, and sending around the world! The organizers welcome more video submissions: “We’ll keep editing  composites and floating them on social media as submissions come in.”

If you would like to participate, use this link to find everything you need: the song’s backing track, the lyrics (both in Romanized Burmese and in translation, including one in Japanese Katakana), and instructions for uploading.

A message from the organizers: “Our fervent wish is to have everyone sing in Romanized Burmese. There is no stronger way to communicate solidarity to our friends in Myanmar undergoing great crisis. Thank you for sharing in your community if you can.” Contact them at


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