Sistema Scotland

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Sistema Scotland Performs for the King of England


Sistema Scotland’s Big Noise ensembles had the honor of performing for the 25th anniversary celebration of the Scottish Parliament in September.

Sistema Scotland: New Evaluation Shows Big Noise, Big Futures


Sistema Scotland is excited to share the learning from a recently published evaluation report by the Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH). The report, titled Statistical Analysis of Educational Outcomes Among Big Noise Raploch Participants, finds that young people who take part in Big Noise Raploch are more likely to achieve positive post-school outcomes and are more likely to be in employment than those who have not participated in the program.

Sistema Scotland Announces First Global Ambassador


Sistema Scotland has announced their first official worldwide “Ambassador”: Dame Evelyn Glennie, the renowned and beloved solo percussionist, who hails from Scotland and is internationally known for her passionate commitment to social connection through music. Dame Evelyn will promote the work of the Big Noise programs of Sistema Scotland and, in Big Noise Chairman Benny Higgins’ words, raise awareness about the importance of “how we listen and learn from each other.”

Early Years Music in Sistema Scotland


Winnicott’s famous quote captures the importance of relationship to every individual. He expands to describe the dependency of children on their caregivers not only for basic needs, but also for emotional “holding.”

Nicola Killean Awarded OBE in New Year Honours List


Congratulations to Nicola Killean, Founder and CEO of Sistema Scotland, who has recently been awarded an Order of the British Empire (OBE). She was selected by a special committee and approved by the Queen and Prime Minister, in the New Year Honours List for 2020, for her services to music, children and community cohesion. OBE recipients are awarded based on their contributions to the arts and sciences, work with charitable and welfare organizations, and public service.

The BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Goes to Govanhill


In autumn 2019, a collaboration between Sistema Scotland, the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, and Holyrood Secondary School brought about a unique residency. For a few days in early October, the BBC SSO, Scotland’s oldest orchestra, decamped from their prestigious base of operations at the City Halls in Glasgow to a school in Govanhill, a neighborhood on the south side of the city. This was not the BBC SSO’s first community-based residency; however, it was one of its largest ones, with over 80 musicians participating over the four days.


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