Lecolion Washington

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

‘Community,’ in Context


When individuals and organizations state that they are “doing work in the community,” what they often mean is that they are going to a place where they have very few relationships, bringing with them a product or practice that might be unfamiliar to those in the “community” and then spreading their unfamiliar product or practice far and wide.

Stay the Course, or Innovate?


We are all seeking a path forward. We are all managing COVID-19 closures. And we are doing all of this alongside an upsurge of social and political unrest. We are struggling mightily and wondering what to do next. This moment of uncertainty is like no other, and as we try to understand the future role of our work, we wonder: should we continue business as usual? Or should we innovate now, and hope that we find the right recipe for future success?


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