
The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

International ‘Chords of Harmony’ Resound in Barcelona


“Throughout the entire concert, the young musicians were free to laugh. And so was the audience…Music was being felt and lived in another sphere.”

Isn’t this a description of how we would all love our students to experience music, at some point in their learning journey?

Attend the WAAE Summit


What sounds better than a trip to Athens in October? How about the chance to meet and learn from arts educators from around the world?

ESG’s Young Leaders Strike Chords of Empowerment


On Saturday, November 25, following the International Day for Children’s Rights, El Sistema Greece’s Young Leaders Program welcomed Anna Mertzani, Manager of the Intercultural Center “PYXIDA” of the Greek Council for Refugees.

El Sistema Greece: A Multiform Approach to Multiple Circumstances


El Sistema Greece is a free music education program open to all children in Greece. Because our students come from more than 30 different countries, the impact of the work we do, both with refugee children and with the larger local community encompassing both migrants and natives, is twofold.


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