Culture and Connection: How young people shape their creative futures

The Ensemble seeks to connect and inform all people who are committed to ensemble music education for youth empowerment and social change.

Culture and Connection: How young people shape their creative futures


Creative Scotland and Young Scot have published a new report, Culture and Connection, which examines how young people across Scotland can shape their creative futures.  The report is based on findings from the National Youth Arts Advisory Group (NYAAG) which first met in June 2017, and included a national survey of 617 young people, conducted by Young Scot.  The report makes recommendations in three areas:

Community participation: The NYAAG should work with local arts sectors to improve networks between young artists and to further engage with local youth arts communities.

Recognition:  The NYAAG should develop and deliver programmes of skill-sharing through partnerships,  enhancing organisations’ approach to youth empowerment and participation.

Pathways for growth:  All children and young people should be given the opportunity to develop their creative capacities through education—with arts opportunities the most important, always attending to the quality of the opportunity, affordability and ease of access. The young Scots identified a lack of creative course options and the importance of arts in comparison with other subjects in school.

You can download the report at this link, at the bottom of the page.

Date: 14 May 2019